Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Egg Dying

This was the beginning of our Easter Egg Dying Experience. Can you believe that they are both looking at the camera and they are both sitting down? Amazing! I love my Easter Bunnies!


Merilee said...

Jenny, you have such adorable children! Ashilene finally grew into the gorgeous pink coat you sent me for her after she was born and was able to wear it for the first time today. It was perfect because it was an incredibly rainy Easter for us down here in CA, so I was thrilled to have a beautiful pink coat for her to wear with her Easter dress. She looked SO dang cute in it!!!! I will try to post pictures of her in it on my blog soon. Thank you SO much!:)

Katie said...

Love the bunny ears!!

Sugar & Spice said...

SO CUTE. Don't you love holidays? :-)
Miss you.

Anonymous said...

They are so cute !
Miss you a lot.